Services for Optimal Performance of Your Green Space
Spring Maintenance / Spring & Storm Cleanups
The harsh winter months can really take its toll on your property. Our maintenance crews will ensure your property is ready for the new year by removing all leaves and debris that may have accumulated over the winter months. In addition to spring cleanups we also do storm cleanups. Any time a storm hits our staff will restore your property to what it should be in a timely manor!
Contact us soon to schedule your spring cleanup!
De-thatching is the process of removing the layer of dead grass, roots, and debris that accumulates between the soil surface and the green grass blades above. This is done using a spring-tine thatching machine. If left untreated, the thatch can form a thick mat, hindering water, air, and nutrients from reaching the soil. In extreme conditions, this can create an environment which invites the intrusion of pests and disease. Dethatching can prevent these problems and help your lawn thrive.
The aeration process addresses compacted soil. Compaction is unavoidable in most lawns. Foot traffic, pets, and heavy rain compact the soil in your yard affecting its ability to take water, fertilizer, and weakening the grass roots. A plug/core aeration tool punches holes 3/4″ by up to 3″ deep. Routine aeration will ensure that your lawn is receiving the necessary moisture, oxygen, and nutrients for it to grow and thrive. Late Sumer and early fall is the best time to aerate and overseed to introduce new grass with better growing conditions.

Preventative Care Offering Aesthetic Rewards
There are many advantages to mulching. Most importantly, mulching helps soil to retain moisture, regulates soil temperature, suppresses weed growth, and in some cases, prevents erosion where there is sloping. Mulching will also help you spend less time, watering, weeding, and fighting pest problems.
In addition to the advantages mulching offers your soil and plant health, it also provides a beautiful aesthetic to your green space. Our experienced staff will help you determine the best mulch color to compliment your landscape design. Mulch can make your flower and plant beds pop, as it accentuates rock and retention walls, tree and shrub plantings, and walkways and patios
All plants new or old all need trimming to look there best weather you need plants pruned on a monthly, yearly basis, or to cut back over grown plants to reclaim your house and yard. Out team of professionals will keep your landscape looking its best with the proper tools and training.
Weather new designs, reclaiming old overgrown mulch beds, or just weekly trimming when our crew is there to mow we will get your property looking good, and keep it that way!
The purpose of fertilizing a lawn is to add the necessary nutrients in the required amounts and at the proper time to achieve desirable lawn qualities and healthy turf grass plants. Most homeowners have no idea of what different mixes stand for, let alone the best time to apply them. Improper fertilizer application will leave your lawn growing unevenly. You may have seen those wide bands of tall grass in many of your neighbors’ yards. Lawns may also struggle with weeds or pests in area where fertilization has been low, as the health of your lawn determines how capable it is of defending itself.
*Note: We do not fertilize lawns, but work closely with Hagstrom Lawn Care LLC for everyone’s fertilization needs. We can coordinate fertilization through Hagstrom Lawn Care LLC on your behalf, or you may contact Dave Hagstrom directly at (508)847-5841.
Hagstrom Lawn Care LLC has the tools and training to correctly apply fertilizer evenly to your whole yard. Fertilizer, along with timely weed and pest control, makes it possible to have a thick green lawn even when summer turns the heat up. With their staff’s attention, you will have one of the nicest looking lawns on your block.
Fall Maintenance/ Leaf Cleanups
Don’t let the beauty of autumn foliage deceive you. Once leaves are past peak color and have fallen to the ground, they quickly blanket lawns. Removing accumulating leaves from your grass before winter strikes is critical. If leaves are left on the ground, they will smother your grass and hamper water evaporation. Trapped moisture and water can harbor mold and fungus and can encourage insects to move in. In the Fall, our staff will effectively remove all Leaf and Debris from your yard so that these conditions are avoided, ensuring your lawn is properly prepared for the winter season.